sábado, 22 de diciembre de 2012


Dear all, 

I am really concerned about your situation in this subject, your amount of work  and the level you have in architectural drawing up to now. 

As I accepted to postpone the deadlines of some assignments after Christmas holidays, because you were overwhelmed with other subjects, I am going to ask you to hand in 

online some assignements, in order to help you to organize yourselves. 


As most of you haven't finished Blas House assignement, neither the redrawing assignement, nor the BLAS +1 assigenment redesigning, I am going to ask you to hand in by email to me

this assignment before 29th december. By hand and BY AUTOCAD. You will have to send me Blas house and transformed blas house in AUTOCAD, before 29th. Plans, sections and elevations, and an 

axonometric interior view done by hand. 


Send me everything you have done up to now, right now, before 26th december, I want to consider if we will dedicate one day (it was supposed to be 14th january ) to "final review with jury" or if we will 

dedicate that day to keep on working /short terme assignment/corrections, questions, etc...

Upload the section and the plan to the blog. 

Merry Christmas to all of you. 


jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2012



As we have one month left we will focus 80% to architect's drawing and AUTOCAD!, so please put an effort on it!!AND DONT MISS ANY SESSION!
 but dont forget that you have to keep on drawing sketches!

1- Be accurate, draw with appropriate leads
2-Put north direction and graphic scale!
3- Count the steps!! it is not about just drawing some lines , it is important if you put 3 steps or 22, please look at the original plans and count.
4. put arrows to stairs and ramps, always facing up!!
5. always make sections through: stairs, double heights, doors, windows.
6.  hatch: if you hatch the section, then also the plan, make difference between section lines and projection lines
7.windows are always 2 lines, never only 1 line, as it may be another thing...like an opening without window...
8. in elevations windows have to be seen also with the frame, for the same reason.
9. when sectioning a stair, there is no floor over it!,

we will revise everything next day at the classroom.
Just remind you that it is very difficult to pass the final exam without having attended, as this is about training your hand, your mind, and learning architectural representation and codes, combined with spatial vision... I try to help, but you have to make an effort too. Please, don't lose a chance to learn and adquire the basic architect's skills!

It is very important that you know how to deal with architect's drawings, and  it is the basic must for your upcoming internships too!!. 

AUTOCAD: REMEMBER we don't have a lot of time to work with it during the sessions but you have to use it to complete the assignments: start with origami, and then make cafeteria plans in teams!. The only way to learn is just practicing, expending time with autocad, you received the trainning you needed, just practice and ask me if you have any doubt. Bring your laptops next day too.

PLANS, SECTIONS, ELEVATIONS: some of you asked me how to make it. You can find attached some tips (below) that will help you... we will go through it again next day, and every day till the end of the course.
Also remember you can check Unit 15. of the book ARchitectural Drawing Coures (the one in the bibliography. I will scan it and send it to you as well.


(this short term assignment will help you to undertake better the long term assignment of redrawing-redesigning the house, that you will deepen further during Christmas time)
As this is a very simple house that you don't have any trouble with it, I will ask you to make the plans in autocad, and then, propose a small transformation following these basic rules:

1. add a new floor and  for that...u will have to resolve the stair!!
2. open a space in double height
 3. Make plans sections and elevations in the right scale!!  (1:100/1:200/1:50)

see how Campo Baeza made a transformation of Turegano House !! :

tips: (images in your email)

Ideas for adding a new floor:

Guidelines to resolve the stair:

Drawings according to the scale: (pay special attention to doors and windows)

how to put graphic scale and north

how to draw trees in the environment:

miércoles, 5 de diciembre de 2012


After that great experience (hope you liked it) please upload the drawings to the blog of "Drawing the nude" session, I wanna show your drawings to Sylvia, and David Goodman.

And please send me by mail your best one!

Make another new entry to upload the final review of Form and Idea, I would like to have a look at it too. 

Remember you have to finish Blas House and all the assignements we have done up to now. 

Finally, as you were in the Final Review Week with F&I I haven't asked for more assignements, but from now on, get ready to run the final spring in this subject ! we will work hard and enjoy a lot! hope so. 

Any comments, questions, advice, request, do not hesitate to email me

sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2012


As we are going to deepen further on this long-term assignement from now on, you  must bring on Monday:

- 1. Drawings (plans, sections, axonometric)  of the house in which you are working, it can be photocopies or printouts from the Internet, in the appropriate scale to be able to work with. (I'll keep a set of plans so I can correct your work, so bring it twice)

2. Your own plans and sections drawn on tracing paper. You have to do at least 5 new sections on your own! Indicate in the plan the section planes and make the sections as we have done in the classroom with Turegano and Ebeling, but with your own house, so I can check that you understood it.

3. Sketches of your re-design proposal

4. If possible: Axonometric view, do it yourself, of the original house and then some drawings with the  brainstorming ideas to change it, in A3 format.
if you need to keep these drawings to keep on working on it, make photocopies for me so I can take it home and give you feedback during the week.

5. Bring also the assignment of the cafeteria and any past assignment that you would like to review.
Please hand in everything well organized, well presented, and nicely put into a cardboard paper , made out with a A2 folded in half, or an A3 folder, with your name and works on it.
Any questions or comments, write me an email. Happy weekend.



you can see it now in the cinema:

miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2012


A few guidelines so you will be ready for "drawing the nude" next monday.

1. Please bring the necessary tools: pencils (4B,6B), soft leads and at least 1.2mm, but I recommend you to start with a broad medium such as charcoal or graphite stick, or hard pastels, ink, brushes or pens (if you dare)  to prevent you from dwelling too much on detail in the early stages of your drawings.

2. Be professional, be on time and behave with respect. That means that you will try to be quiet and concentrated in your work. Bring all the materials and tools to draw a lot. You will use a lot of paper, bring several sketchbooks or paper formats and mediums.

3. Start with the structure, the main lines, balance, and proportions. Remember we are not artists but architects, we learn from real balanced structures, shapes, elements, relationship between parts, points match in the space.

It is important to establish the main lines and shapes before filling in with shading or drawing facial features, fingers and toes, as these will often have to be changed if you discover the proportions are incorrect or that you have misunderstood the angle of the girl's head or hand.

4. There will be long poses and short ones. Analyze the pose accurately before you begin and then start, from the main lines to the structure, and at the end, details. Train yourserlf trying to make quick drawings.

5. Please copy these drawings so you can start practising, then try to make your own with the same style.

domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2012


There are different thing you can do to change the house as it was explained in the assignement. 
Another idea would be to transform the house into a "greener" house, here some features to make a house more efficient in terms of energy... may be it can give you some ideas...

sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2012

Drawing people - Giacometti

Copy these drawings by Giacometti and try to make: 
1. a selfportrait following the same style
2. three drawings to a group of people
3. three drawings to a friend in different positions

martes, 30 de octubre de 2012


1. Which section is it? 
2. Place 1-7 guys in plans and section
3. Draw sections A-B-C-D-E
4. Draw exterior axonometric view and 4 elevations
5. Draw an axonometric section view showing interior spaces 

jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012


- Upload your Gymkana drawings to the blog
- Upload main section of cafeteria and plans
- Check you uploaded all the previous assignements (6 re-designed objects, plan of your house, plan of classroom, vangtongerloo sculpture, Rietveld chair, ...)
- Prepare presentation for monday: 'Architect+a house+ his drawings'
- Bring trace paper bloc and a cord (or shoelace)

martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

REDRAWING-REDESIGNING 22th oct-17th December
This long-term assignment consists on describing graphically  a HOUSE, from the modern or contemporary architecture movement  and designed by a historic architect. The house will be chosen by the professor and assigned to every student, who will have to work with it  during 2months.
The assignment will be divided in several phases:
The student will have to:
-        Study, understand, and analyse the architect ‘s house (looking for extra information in libraries and internet)
-       Prepare a presentation with the house , using all the drawings done, and including something about the architect’s life
-       Find information about the house situation
-       Think about some changes you want to make for the house to RE-DESIGN it:
                 - adding extra space for more children or guests
                 - change situation and adapt it to new environment
                 - change morphology
                 -propose new ideas to improve it!!

sábado, 13 de octubre de 2012

Try to measure and draw your house 
Here you find a little help:

domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2012

Welcome to the new exchange platform for the AE students of IE University

Here we will share our architectural drawings.

Images. Plans. Sections. Infographies. Models.

Art & Architecture.

And everything we love in Architecture.

Here you have Alvaro Siza.

For Alvaro Siza, drawing is as essential as oxygen. His sketches are not confined to the act of designing, but commence with his very first confrontation with the city for which he intends to build; they accompany each of his projects over many years - if not decades. The fundamental characteristics of his style that earned his architectural work the Pritzker Prize in 1992 are very much in evidence in his sketches. His sketches reveal how he arrives at solutions to each given architectural situation and how, through masterful intervention, he renders these situations exciting and unique. The architect himself has selected, from among his 365 sketch books, some of the drawings to be included  in a book called: "Alvaro Siza City Sketches"